The First Annual Curatorial Competition
Promoting the value of open access images while progressing the practice of curating digital exhibitions.
2020 Competition Winner: Preksha Kothari for The Mughal Saga
Preksha Kothari
The Mughal Saga: An exhibition on Mughal Miniature Paintings
The Mughal Empire is counted as among the most extravagant and powerful empires to have existed in the Indian subcontinent, as also the world. "The Mughal Saga"- is a collection of some of the finest Mughal miniature paintings that have survived today. Mughal Miniatures are magnificent artistic works that showcase the life of the Mughal Empire in its full glory. With bright colors and pages flecked in gold, this exhibition attempts to put forth India's rich artistic traditions to the world.
2020 Finalists
Diego Zoghbi
*dhwer- An exhibition on how Foreigners Depict Foreigners
This is the Proto-Indo-European root that gave us both the word door and the word foreign. Funnily enough, the former comes to us through Proto-Germanic and the latter through French from Latin. They are cousins who were separated and met again in a different language, place and time. This exhibition examines ten works that deal with how foreigners depict foreigners.
James Bennett, II
Meaning, Made: Crisis and Hope in Black America
‘Blackness’ is many things, and has been since the first enslaved Africans were brought to the shores of North America. But one thing has tied every generation together since then: the need to be one’s one agent of creation and forge a meaningful life in a society especially made to fail them. This unique tint on the existential window is captured in writing by authors like Toni Morrison and Richard Wright, but what do we see when we apply this lens to visual art and artifact?